Oz SYDNEY- 3 days
1 USD= .93 AUD --virtually the same!
VISA- ETA Visa completed

Things to do:  
-Explore Sydney.. See the Opera house. Get sushi. Bungee jump. But maybe not in that order..
- Surf beaches- Northern suburbs?
- Hillsong Church- Sunday or Wednesday Youth Service 7:30pm @ Waterloo.. also just visit campus?
-City Campus: 188 Young St, Waterloo, Sydney (+61 2 8853 5353)
-Hills Campus: 1-5 Solent Circuit, Norwest Blvd, Baulkham Hills
- Rent a bike

Where to stay:  CS: Paul Nayda & Daisy - Waverton, North Sydney.. they have spare room & living room couch, and live right on the water. 10 min drive W of Sydney CBD. Public transport is by Ferry into the City , bus is about a 10 minute walk from their house.

Shark Biscuit- someone new to surfing
Togs/ bathers- swim trunks or suit
Sunnies- sunglasses
Give it a burl- try something or give it a go
Arvo- afternoon
Captain Cook-  a look.. i.e. “let’s go have a captain cook”
ridgie didge- original or genuine
lollies- candy